Sean Haar

Sean Haar holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Sean has an employment background in sales and operations with experience in multiple industries including real estate, retail, and hospitality.

Sean started in the appraisal industry in 2019 and has been active in the appraisal of office, retail, industrial, agricultural, and special-purpose properties in Nebraska. Sean is also gaining experience with condemnation and eminent domain appraisals as well as appraisals in conformance with the Uniform Appraisal Standards for Federal Land Acquisition (Yellow Book).

Sean has been a credentialed Certified General Real Property Appraiser in Nebraska since 2022 and is a practicing affiliate with the Appraisal Institute. Sean is currently a Candidate for Designation through the Appraisal Institute, working towards his MAI credential.